
The Colorful Spoonbill

Scaling over the humid, maritime, wetland environment of fiddler crabs, aquatic grass, and sabal palm trees, the spoonbill gracefully journeyed south.  The spoonbill bird is easy to recognize, for its bill is wide at the end that resembles a spoon, and this species is a roseate, which is pink!  I've seen the roseate frolic with egrets on many occasions because they both are wading birds that obtain their food out of water.  The roseate spoonbill resembles a flamingo by its color, but the flamingo has a short and curved beak.  Their color is obtained by a diet of crustaceans (seafood).  A few of my favorite birds to photograph are blue jays, cardinals, the spoonbill, eagles, cranes, owls, egrets, and the pileated woodpecker.  Photo by CLM

Appreciating Beautiful Nature Up Close Through Gardening, Photography, Exploring & Hiking

 Book Explorer Of The Month


A. A. Mansfield

Pepi Peter And The Pawpaw Tree was written in honor of my late and dear mother who truly enjoyed the pawpaw tree.  

Above image: A native shrub to Africa  found growing along a waterway that meets the Atlantic Ocean. 

On Thanksgiving several years ago, my family and I had Thanksgiving upon a gorgeous mountaintop.  I took time to photograph the wonderous nature, then I saw this exquisite rock poking out from the ground.  The estimate size of this ancient boulder was 20'Lx 3'W.  My hypothesis theory..the left side of this gigantic boulder indicates the trailing side, backend of the rock.  The right side flow lines begin to narrow, which indicate the frontline of the supposedly travelled rock.  Note:  Flow lines, rust, crust, fracture or fissure, wild ferns, and lichen.
On Thanksgiving several years ago, my family and I had Thanksgiving upon a gorgeous mountaintop. I took time to photograph the wonderous nature, then I saw this exquisite rock poking out from the ground. The estimate size of this ancient boulder was 20'Lx 3'W. My hypothesis theory..the left side of this gigantic boulder indicates the trailing side, backend of the rock. The right side flow lines begin to narrow, which indicate the frontline of the supposedly travelled rock. Note: Flow lines, rust, crust, fracture or fissure, wild ferns, and lichen.

Peace, love, and unity!

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Written permission must be secured from the author at Spunkycali@Gmail.Com to use or reproduce or copy idea of Hikeexplorer.Com's designed arranged content.  Thank you for supporting the author and Hikeexplorer.Com's rights.

 Age Level Adult

Awareness Agent Orange Day Aug 10  


*Agent Orange and Al Amyloidosis awareness is a matter that can exude symptoms latter, but with our love one, it occurred  early.  Early detection, edu, intervention, treatment, and awareness may provide a longer life.  We lost our beloved, brave veteran/family member to this degrading illness.  Observe awareness each and every day.  Observe Veteran's Day Proudly.  
*The importance of a healthy environment-food harvest, water, and humanity awareness is appreciated by Hikeexplorer.Com  
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